Safety and patient outcomes are our top priority.
If we don't think we can help, we will not take you as a patient. Our free consultation allows us to determine if you are a candidate for treatment.
Our precise treatment methods do not require manual manipulation of the neck which can be painful or dangerous for patients.
Objective and repeatable results: To ensure effective care, we use x-rays both before and after treatment to provide objective, repeatable results and confirm the success of each correction.
Dr. Blakeslee continues to work with and learn from the premier clinicians and experts in the craniocervical junction (CCJ) who are on the forefront of concussion, whiplash and trauma research as it relates to brain and spinal health.

We provide the latest methods and techniques for correcting misalignments in the upper neck—also known as the craniocervical junction (CCJ). We use a gentle, precise tool that does not require cracking, twisting or popping of the neck but rather a small impulse.

A series of x-ray images are taken to visualize and measure the alignment of the neck in three dimensions.
Patients are encouraged to bring any MRI studies or previous imaging to give us the full picture. In some instances an MRI may be required before treatment.

Based on our imaging we derive the vector required to correct the misalignment. Our precise treatment methods allow us to get the head and neck into a stable, vertical, neutral alignment that can hold for months to years at a time.

After correction, while your body holds its proper alignment, symptoms progressively get better over a 4 week period without the need for additional treatment. This is unlike traditional chiropractic care which can require three adjustments per week for months at a time.